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Home / Corporate  / … it happened in the 60s
Image of an authorization from the customs agency on yellowed paper with blue handwritten description of the distillation apparatus; in evidence the sentence happened in the 60s

Liguria, a honeymoon on the Col di Nava, an advertising song on the scent of lavender … and in Casalvento it was immediately blue.

It was unthinkable in the 1960s to come across specialized crops of medicinal plants, but some of the images published here are proof of this. The birth of the distillery with the first Zambelli extractor (later replaced with a larger and more efficient one), the first Declaration of Work to the UTIF in 1962, the publication of scientific studies in collaboration with the Institute of Pharmacology of the University of Siena on balsamic weather of our plants, the Gas Chromatographic analyzes of the extracts (1966), the first selections of cultivars, the periodic supplies of Lavender Essential Oil to Manetti & Roberts (6Kg each time) which began in 1964, the collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture started in 1965 for experimental purposes, they are documentary proof of our commitment and we jealously keep them in the archive.

They are the beginning of our work, in those years we never imagined the subsequent developments

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